
Monday, 3 April 2017

Drama in the Forest

I want to thank Tanya, for letting me help facilitate her drama lesson. I had a blast! The lesson was right up my ally, as it was in relation to identifying emotions. 
The students each picked a popsicle stick with a emotion written on it. The students were not to share the emotion they picked. Students then were put into pairs. Students could not tell their partner what emotion they had. Each group took turns acting out together their emotions in front of the class. The rest of the students had to guess what emotions were being acted out. 
It was a challenge for the students on stage as they had no clue what emotion their partner had. The students were able to come up with some very creative ways to act out their emotions. Some students used tools such as sticks and logs from the forest to assist with their performance.
-  It was great to see the students so engaged in the activity. It was also great to see students who normally have difficulties  participating in drama, taking part, interacting with peers and being so engaged with big smiles on their faces. 

-Tanya I cannot wait until next time!!!! Thank you for the great learning opportunity.😃☺☺☺☺

1 comment:

  1. Nicole thanks so much for posting. Great elements -kids outdoors, using found props for creativity, integrating drama into learning, language development etc etc

    And having the photo is such a rich item when documenting.

    So speaking of documentation let's say you took a whole series of photos of this experience -at least one for each pair of students. What could we do with them to aid the learning of the students, aid our learning as inquiring professionals and convey to parents what their children are learning and how we are going about it? This is what document is all about.

    You can add to these ideas:
    For the kids -tell me or write what you learned when doing this activity (and therefore you have an authentic assessment item for each child)

    For us -we could speculate on the scope of learning that the kids were gaining and collaboratively look for ways to build on this particular experience

    For the parents -each child could take their photo home to share their excitement with this learning -and on the back we might cut and paste Ministry of Ed curriculum expectations that were addressed showing that it was more than just a walk to the woods.

    So in sharing this activity Nicole has shown me that these kids went home with a good learning experience under their belts and were more than likely chomping at the bit to be at school the next day. Now that's modern learning and a basis for good mental health in my books!
